Destinatii Europene

Noutati Destinatii Europene. Celel mai noi Stiri din Turism

Ultimile Stiri Adaugate

  1. History, Culture & Beaches Await You On the Greek Island Of Milos
  2. Head Back In Time On Sweden’s Island Of Gotland
  3. Norway’s Tromso Offers Magic And Modernity
  4. The Lesser-Known Beaches And Beauty Of Calabria In Italy
  5. Discover The Beauty of Tarn Canyon In France
  6. TUI: turismul românesc a rămas cu 7-8 ani în urma celui bulgar
  7. BUCHAREST BENCHMARKING REPORT: bilant 2009 pe piata hoteliera la 3 si 4 stele
  8. Unde se poate skia si la ce pret
  9. Studii de fezabilitate pentru peşteri
  10. Tot mai puţini turişti în hoteluri
  11. Peste 3.000 de turisti au venit la mare prin programul "Litoralul pentru toti"
  12. Numarul turistilor romani in Bulgaria a crescut cu 80% in primele 4 luni
  13. Hotelierii se ceartă cu Elena Udrea pentru durata sezonului estival
  14. De ce litoralul romanesc este mai scump decat cel bulgar sau grec
  15. Sejururile pe litoralul romanesc "intra la apa" in 2009
  16. Innoptarile in structurile de cazare din Romania au scazut cu aproape 30% in aprilie
  17. Campania de promovare a turismului romanesc debuteaza la Roland Garros
  18. O noua statiune de schi in Valea Jiului
  19. Numarul turistilor romani din perioada Pastelui a scazut cu 37%
  20. Turismul din Romania a scazut cu circa 20% in februarie
  21. Elena Udrea vrea sa construiasca cel mai mare domeniu de schi din Europa de Sud-Est
  22. Preturile pachetelor turistice, scaderi cu pana la 60% fata de luna decembie
  23. Sectorul balnear - prioritatea ministrului Udrea - necesita investitii de peste 500 mil. euro
  24. Linia aeriana Malev va lansa in primavara ruta Iasi-Budapesta
  25. Blue Air a introdus sapte destinatii noi in orarul de vara 2009
  26. Criza economica va ieftini anul viitor pachetele turistice cu pana la 30%
  27. Wizz Air lanseaza noi curse in Romania
  28. Cum ar putea turismul romanesc sa profite de criza economica
  29. Cel mai pesimist scenariu pentru piata turismului Stagnare in 2009
  30. ANAT a elaborat un 'plan anticriza'
  31. Cum arata turistul roman "de insula exotica"
  32. 40.000 de romani au ales destinatiile interne pentru minivacanta de 1 Mai
  33. Londra si Paris - cele mai ostile orase, Dublin si Amsterdam - cele mai ospitaliere
  34. Destinatiile turistice interne inving strainatatea anul acesta, de Paste
  35. Pachete speciale de la agentii pentru turistii care "leaga" Pastele de 1 mai
  36. 36 de proiecte concureaza pentru titlul de Destinatie Europeana de Excelenta
  37. Agentiile de turism vor sa atraga 70% din microbistii care merg la Euro 2008
  38. Hotelierii bulgari merg pe profit zero de Paste, pentru a atrage romanii in vara
  39. Rezervari hoteliere Online
  40. Tot mai dependenţi de excursii în străinătate
  41. Austria in topul ofertelor de iarna
  42. Romanii ar putea beneficia de vouchere de vacanta din iulie
  43. Agentiile de turism incearca sa ii scoata pe bucuresteni din oras "de summit-ul NATO"
  44. Turismul online castiga teren in Romania
  45. Primarul Sibiului crede ca orasul va atinge tinta de un milion de turisti in 2007
  46. O firmă româno-spaniolă investeşte 3 milioane euro într-un hotel de trei stele la Sibiu
  47. Air France - KML estimează că numărul pasagerilor în 2007 va creşte cu 10% faţă de anul trecut
  48. Sibiul a încasat circa 200 de milioane de euro din turism de când este Capitală Culturală Europeană
  49. Ministrul transporturilor susţine că toate autostrăzile vor fi finalizate în 2013
  50. România şi Bulgaria ar putea crea circuite turistice comune
  51. Jumătate din pachetele turistice de iarnă din Bulgaria au fost rezervate
  52. Ministerul Transporturilor va repara drumurile spre destinaţiile turistice
  53. Românii preferă Austria ca destinaţie de schi în perioada sărbătorilor de iarnă
  54. Ieftinirea vacantelor creste cu 30% numarul turistilor romani in strainatate
  55. Masina, cel mai utilizat mijloc de transport pentru plecarile in strainatate
  56. Fondurile europene pentru turismul romanesc vor fi accesate din octombrie
  57. Preturile la cazare ar putea creste in 2008 cu pana la 7%
  58. Destinatii turistice preferate de romani
  59. Destinatii de vacanta
  60. "Schimbati totul" este concluzia consultantilor internationali.
  61. In premiera incasari de peste 1 mld de la turisti straini
  62. Lansare Destinatii Europene - Ghidul Tau de Vacanta

Head Back In Time On Sweden’s Island Of Gotland

Gotland, Sweden

Sometimes it’s nice to step out of the norm and go on an island holiday that’s a little different. That’s exactly what you get on Gotland, the largest island of Sweden. It’s a place steeped in history and natural beauty, and if you can’t do an island holiday without a beach trip, there are 800km (almost 500 miles) of coastline to choose from.

We arrived on the island and went straight to the historic town of Visby, where we were staying. The town itself is reason enough to visit Gotland. The place dates back to the 12th century and has been named as a UNESCO World Heritage site. It still has a completely enchanting, medieval look and feel to it, with cobblestone streets and amazing old architecture.

First on our list of places to visit was the city wall. We caught glimpses of this beautiful old structure when we arrived, but it was definitely important to make a dedicated visit to see it. You can walk the whole length of the 3.5km (2.17miles) wall as it still encloses the center of the town. It’s amazing to see so many of the original towers still intact 800 years later.

Next up on the must-see list we’d plotted out before our trip were the old church ruins that are dotted throughout the town and the surrounding lands. St Nicolai, Drottens and St Clemens are well worth seeing. However, it was St Karin with its high arches that really stood out for me.

We planned our trip quite carefully to make sure we coincided with the Medieval Week celebrations that happen every summer. This was quite a sight to see and 100% in the right setting in the streets and buildings of Visby. People were dressed up, stalls and markets lined open spaces, music and theater events popped up almost spontaneously on every corner, and the atmosphere was electric.

The best part was, if it all got too much, we could escape to the wide-open spaces of the island. We made sure we took time to hit the beach and also hired some bikes so that we could get out to Tofta Beach. This is the most popular beach on the island and there is a 20km (12.5 miles) bike path from Visby to Tofta that is great fun.

Another big highlight of the trip was the day we spent touring Lummelunda Cave. This is one of the longest cave systems in Sweden, with the explored section measuring about 4.5km (2.7 miles). There is the main tourist cave, where you can see a range of fossils that have been found in the system. If you’re a little more adventurous, like we were, take one of the guided tours that gets you deeper into the system.

All on all, our trip to Gotland was as surprising as winning big playing at an online casino NZ, unconventional and breathtakingly beautiful. This island is truly a photographer’s dream. You have everything from old ruins, cobbled streets and quintessential medieval buildings through to gorgeous coastlines and incredible scenery.