Destinatii Europene

Noutati Destinatii Europene. Celel mai noi Stiri din Turism

Ultimile Stiri Adaugate

  1. History, Culture & Beaches Await You On the Greek Island Of Milos
  2. Head Back In Time On Sweden’s Island Of Gotland
  3. Norway’s Tromso Offers Magic And Modernity
  4. The Lesser-Known Beaches And Beauty Of Calabria In Italy
  5. Discover The Beauty of Tarn Canyon In France
  6. TUI: turismul românesc a rămas cu 7-8 ani în urma celui bulgar
  7. BUCHAREST BENCHMARKING REPORT: bilant 2009 pe piata hoteliera la 3 si 4 stele
  8. Unde se poate skia si la ce pret
  9. Studii de fezabilitate pentru peşteri
  10. Tot mai puţini turişti în hoteluri
  11. Peste 3.000 de turisti au venit la mare prin programul "Litoralul pentru toti"
  12. Numarul turistilor romani in Bulgaria a crescut cu 80% in primele 4 luni
  13. Hotelierii se ceartă cu Elena Udrea pentru durata sezonului estival
  14. De ce litoralul romanesc este mai scump decat cel bulgar sau grec
  15. Sejururile pe litoralul romanesc "intra la apa" in 2009
  16. Innoptarile in structurile de cazare din Romania au scazut cu aproape 30% in aprilie
  17. Campania de promovare a turismului romanesc debuteaza la Roland Garros
  18. O noua statiune de schi in Valea Jiului
  19. Numarul turistilor romani din perioada Pastelui a scazut cu 37%
  20. Turismul din Romania a scazut cu circa 20% in februarie
  21. Elena Udrea vrea sa construiasca cel mai mare domeniu de schi din Europa de Sud-Est
  22. Preturile pachetelor turistice, scaderi cu pana la 60% fata de luna decembie
  23. Sectorul balnear - prioritatea ministrului Udrea - necesita investitii de peste 500 mil. euro
  24. Linia aeriana Malev va lansa in primavara ruta Iasi-Budapesta
  25. Blue Air a introdus sapte destinatii noi in orarul de vara 2009
  26. Criza economica va ieftini anul viitor pachetele turistice cu pana la 30%
  27. Wizz Air lanseaza noi curse in Romania
  28. Cum ar putea turismul romanesc sa profite de criza economica
  29. Cel mai pesimist scenariu pentru piata turismului Stagnare in 2009
  30. ANAT a elaborat un 'plan anticriza'
  31. Cum arata turistul roman "de insula exotica"
  32. 40.000 de romani au ales destinatiile interne pentru minivacanta de 1 Mai
  33. Londra si Paris - cele mai ostile orase, Dublin si Amsterdam - cele mai ospitaliere
  34. Destinatiile turistice interne inving strainatatea anul acesta, de Paste
  35. Pachete speciale de la agentii pentru turistii care "leaga" Pastele de 1 mai
  36. 36 de proiecte concureaza pentru titlul de Destinatie Europeana de Excelenta
  37. Agentiile de turism vor sa atraga 70% din microbistii care merg la Euro 2008
  38. Hotelierii bulgari merg pe profit zero de Paste, pentru a atrage romanii in vara
  39. Rezervari hoteliere Online
  40. Tot mai dependenţi de excursii în străinătate
  41. Austria in topul ofertelor de iarna
  42. Romanii ar putea beneficia de vouchere de vacanta din iulie
  43. Agentiile de turism incearca sa ii scoata pe bucuresteni din oras "de summit-ul NATO"
  44. Turismul online castiga teren in Romania
  45. Primarul Sibiului crede ca orasul va atinge tinta de un milion de turisti in 2007
  46. O firmă româno-spaniolă investeşte 3 milioane euro într-un hotel de trei stele la Sibiu
  47. Air France - KML estimează că numărul pasagerilor în 2007 va creşte cu 10% faţă de anul trecut
  48. Sibiul a încasat circa 200 de milioane de euro din turism de când este Capitală Culturală Europeană
  49. Ministrul transporturilor susţine că toate autostrăzile vor fi finalizate în 2013
  50. România şi Bulgaria ar putea crea circuite turistice comune
  51. Jumătate din pachetele turistice de iarnă din Bulgaria au fost rezervate
  52. Ministerul Transporturilor va repara drumurile spre destinaţiile turistice
  53. Românii preferă Austria ca destinaţie de schi în perioada sărbătorilor de iarnă
  54. Ieftinirea vacantelor creste cu 30% numarul turistilor romani in strainatate
  55. Masina, cel mai utilizat mijloc de transport pentru plecarile in strainatate
  56. Fondurile europene pentru turismul romanesc vor fi accesate din octombrie
  57. Preturile la cazare ar putea creste in 2008 cu pana la 7%
  58. Destinatii turistice preferate de romani
  59. Destinatii de vacanta
  60. "Schimbati totul" este concluzia consultantilor internationali.
  61. In premiera incasari de peste 1 mld de la turisti straini
  62. Lansare Destinatii Europene - Ghidul Tau de Vacanta

History, Culture & Beaches Await You On the Greek Island Of Milos

Milos, Greece

Ancient Greece has always been a subject that has fascinated me, so when my friends and I decided we wanted an island holiday, I threw Greece into the hat immediately. We decided on the beautiful island of Milos, where the famous Venus de Milo was found back in 1820. It would be the perfect beach getaway, mixed with some fascinating history.

Something that a lot of the guidebooks (well, websites in these days) said was that these islands off the coast of Greece were beautiful in summer but incredibly busy. This seemed less than ideal so we opted to go out of season, which is good for the budget too. October seems like the perfect time of year – the summer crowds have left but the weather is still warm enough for long, lazy days on the beach. It’s also not so hot that exploring the island is so draining.

The town of Adamantas, more commonly referred to as Adamas, is the largest one on the island and offers the most options in terms of accommodation and restaurants. This is also closest to the airport and the harbor where the majority of the ferries dock. It’s where we chose to call home for our week on the island.

We took a tiny plane from Athens International airport over to the island – so small it had old-school propellors on the wings. The ferry is also a great way to travel because you get to see the amazing Mediterranean Ocean and several other islands along the way. However, it was quite a long journey from the port of Piraeus at between five and seven hours, and we wanted to get started with our beach trip.

We spent the first couple of days walking through the town and to the closest beaches. Then we wanted to get more adventurous, so we hired a car from the rental place on the Main Road. The woman who owned the place was from Zimbabwe and had retired to the island nearly twenty years earlier. She had some great stories to tell. In places like Milos, it’s always worth taking the time to chat to the locals.

With our little hatchback, we headed off to the amazing beaches like Sarakiniko and Firopotamos (our favorite), and then up to the other town of note, Pollonia. It was fun because all the road signs were written in the Greek alphabet and none of us knew how to read it.

One day, we went in search of some of the famous ancient history the region has. We walked around the catacombs, up through the Plaka and then stumbled upon the site where the Venus de Milo was found, which was one of the mega bonuses of the trip. It was completely by chance that we spotted the plaque on a rock on the side of the road. You also have to climb through bushes on an overgrown path to see the actual site. It’s a little bit of a letdown but felt pretty cool to stand there for someone who loves ancient Greek history.

Milos truly is a stunning place with a lot of culture, history and charm. It’s well worth a visit any time from early spring through to autumn.